1. Visits are limited to two visitors.
  2. Outdoor Visits will take place in the screen house located in the back of the building. Indoor visits will take place in the library or conference room.
  3. Visitors must stay in the designated visitation locations. Visitors may not enter other areas of the facility.
  4. Visitors, regardless of vaccination status, should wear a mask and social distance from staff and other residents, or visitors that are not part of their group at all times when in the facility. The floors are marked to identify the six-foot separation.
  5. All visitors must perform hand hygiene before and after the visit. Alcohol-based hand rub will be provided by the facility. Visitors must follow recommended hand hygiene protocol in its application.
  6. All visitors will be screened using a checklist-based screening protocol on arrival and a temperature check. Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed to visit.
  7. All visitors must sign in and provide contact information at the time of the visit.
  8. Visitation is restricted to children 12 years of age or older.
  9. There is no food or drinks allowed as source control should be in place at all times during the visit.
  10. Visits may be canceled if there are weather warnings that would put either visitors or residents at risk.
  11. Residents with active COVID-19 infection, in quarantine or on isolation will not be allowed visits.
  12. If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 within 3 days after visiting, you must immediately notify the facility.
  13. The facility retains the right to deny visitation if the circumstances pose a risk of transmitting COVID-19 to the facility because the resident or visitor does not comply with infection control guidance or the resident or visitor is at risk of abuse/harm.
  14. Visitation may be suspended in accordance with IDPH guidance.

When the resident and all of their visitors are fully vaccinated:

  • While alone in the resident’s room or in the designated visitation area, the resident and their visitor(s) can choose to have close contact (including touch) but due to new COVID-19 variants should continue to wear source control.
  • Visitors should wear source control and physically distance from staff and other residents and visitors that are not part of their group at ALL TIMES WHILE IN THE FACILITY.

When either the resident or any of their visitors are NOT fully vaccinated

  • The safest approach is for everyone to maintain physical distancing and to wear source control.
  • However, if the resident is fully vaccinated, they can choose to have close contact (including touch) with their unvaccinated visitor(s) while both continue to wear well-fitting masks.
  • If unvaccinated residents or visitors are in the designated visitation area, all resident and visitors should wear a mask and remain at least 6 feet from others.